Wednesday, August 26, 2009

O what do you do..part 3

O what do I do in the summer time?..At our house I fill and unload the dishwasher TWICE daily.

Only 13 days until School starts. O my. I really am going to miss the summer, mostly being able to get up at 7:00 am and all the kids are still sleeping... and unloading the diswasher in the silence. life revolves around the dishwasher.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Oh what do you do in the summer time...part II

Do you watch the Parades Go By? (and try to get as much Candy as possible?)

Do you ride the kiddy Rides just so your short 3 yr old can Ride?

Friday, August 07, 2009

Monday, June 22, 2009

Last week was a CAKE WALK!

First last Friday there was baking and freezing 160 Lemon cupcakes.....

Then Thursday Frosting and decorating all 280 Lemon and vanilla cupcakes....

Next on Thursday making and frosting Sophie's 2 layer chocolate with chocolate fudge frosting Birthday cake..

Finally... Friday delivering cupcakes and frosting and delivering the 3 tiered triple chocolate with fudge filling white Wedding cake.....

"I didn't know you did Wedding cakes, Dori!?" Many people exclaimed.

"I don't."

Monday, June 15, 2009

Who put that on the list?

So have you all made your "What we are going to do this summer list"?

We kicked off our summer with

1. Spend a few hours at Urgent Care getting stitches.

Macy fell off a kitchen chair, hit her head on the table...spliting open her eyelid, then processed to bleed all over. I took her to Urgent Care and they gave her 4 stitches. She didn't enjoy it at all. They put a rather large bandage on to keep her from pulling them out....Which I'm sure she would. I called home and asked the kids if they had cleaned up the blood. "We couldn't find any paper towels".

2. Buy paper towels.

Summer Scrooge

As mom's across the blogosphere post their list of all the fun and adventurous things they want to do or accomplish this summer there I sat last night with a list of jobs, consequences and strict bed time schedules I was hoping to enforce...Geez Ba humbug Summer I thought...Who am I EboMOMoneezer Scrooge. Where did that one mom go that use to sit down with the kids and make a list of all the fun things we wanted to do while not having to worry about sack lunches, homework, and school night bedtimes.... Oh where o where did that fun mom go.....I'll tell you...she got busy..Lazy summer HA! We still have Cub scout and YW's and Visiting teaching assignments and shopping for clothes, groceries and Vacations to plan for, laundry to do, Walls to paint, Checkbooks to balance, Nutritious Breakfasts, lunches, snacks and dinners to make, Cubs Scouts awards to earn, Personal progress to work on, weeds to pull and a lawn to mow....Oh my!

...So With my mean list on my lap, There I sat and Visited Summers' Past....How I didn't remember all that had to be done...But only the fun.....

and so my Summer motto was Born:

Morning Jobs will be done
& then we'll have some FUN!

(And at 9:30 everyone will retire
OR Mom will Breathe Fire!)

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

It's over!

So I kinda put myself on a blogging hiatus for the past few months....Why? I can't even remember but I'm sure it had to do with needing to let go of something that didn't really have to be done. I had no guilt while my blog sat still....very still.
Yesterday I came back... Not sure if I really have time but maybe something else will sit while I blog...maybe I'll go on a Dishes hiatus!

My Kitchen got a new color while I was gone!

Monday, June 08, 2009

visitor in the night....

Last night at about 1:00 am Macy crawled into my bed got right up to my ear and whispered "I'm Thirsty". Next time she arrived she whispered "I don't like my Bed"...Then snuggled with MY pillow..MY ENTIRE time she came she said nothing and slipped right between Bill and I and slept..until she woke up Bill and back to her bed she went....Where she still is at 8:30 am! There's nothing I like better than sleeping children ...Wouldn't you agree?

Monday, February 23, 2009

Friday, February 20, 2009

In the Wake of the Economic crisis...

... I had to keep the same shower curtain instead of purchasing the really expensive one I was dreaming about and decorate the masterbathroom to match it. So here's today's Before & After...
During...(this is my really awesome handy man putting his face where I never want mine, ripping the toilet out and then cleaning it!)After....

Please Notice the: New floor, new toilet seat, clean toilet, new paint, painted window trim and finally new toilet bowl brush :)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Finis & Pink

So At the beginning of the year when New Years Resolutions were the trend I was thinking about mine...Usually I write them in my journal...after looking at the previous years hoping that I've accomplished them...Want to know some of my past ones that I have accomplished? ...Several years it was...Have a baby...nice... so you could say at least I have accomplished 5 of the 55 I've made.
This year Instead of a list I chose a word....Finish..or if I've feeling in a Frenchy mood "Finis". We have so many projects started on our nice fixer upper house that need to be finis that it's overwhelming, discouraging and demoralizing . But NO MORE....I will finish our projects and move on from those feeling and do more important things like......laundry or the yard?

So my last FINISHED project took place Monday...Thanks to Abe & George...No School meant no schedule so we painted..

When we moved into our house I painted the little girls room "PINK?" well that's what the swatch at Home depot called it but it was more like "white with... if you squint it looks pink".


SO Monday WITH the kids help we repainted rearranged and now the little girls room is
"FINIs and PINK"


p.s.I have an idea for a cute wall decoration but that might have to be next year's resolution.

P.S.S. Do you want to see more of my before& after projects?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Green Hairs & Ham

If there's one thing I learned in 2008 it's always wear a mask while spray painting.....A lesson I didn't learn until after having , White,Red, BLACK ,PINK or Silver Nose hairs. Should I be proud that I've sported all those colors in my nose? This past month when I grabbed some Shelves to spray I realized I would again have Black Nose hairs...But I figured I didn't want to go out with those kind of hairs that night or find those kind of boogers in my kleenex for 3 days...So i found a handy dandy hankerchief in the dress up box and began to spray away. But what do you think the Bus driver thought when she pulled up and dropped of my kids and saw this woman fiddling around in the garage?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I can NOT go to school today....

The latest pictures on my phone always tell the best story, where we have been lately and what funny things the kids have done when I didn't have the real camera...The story they tell right now is of doctor and hospital visits...

I should just buy myself one of those old nurse uniforms and dawn that every morning checking all my children's temps and writing down their symptoms of the day...

Ellie..Stomach hurts....morning breathe

Jessi....Just too tired..nothing to wear

Ty....Fever, runny nose and a bad case of dirty socks wore more days in a row than one mom should know

Sophie.... Bronchitis...fever....funny morning hair

Macy.... cough, irritable and Spots from head to Toe!
Mom.....Almost crazy except that she doesn't mind cuddling with sick kids on the couch watching TV all Day!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Snow, Sleet & hail...

Well It being MLK day and all I sat pondering about the profoundness of that. I realized we have been though so much....That is our family...Here at the Leder's house we have seen more snow than ever before, played in it, ate it, drove in it, wished it away and then sad because it was gone. We celebrated Christmas & New Years and even a baptism and a New calling. Wow so much has happened since we have last posted. But now we look ahead with great anticipation...Is Summer almost here? some have asked. Well before it does we have a video that(my kids think) might make some of you create a new winter memory....yellow snow.
Stay tuned. Ellie must edit and Mom must upload but before the day is though this MLK will be one to remember.
UPDATE: Due to techno difficulties the video is unavailable...darn my kids really wanted to show the online world what a dufus I could be.:)