Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I can NOT go to school today....

The latest pictures on my phone always tell the best story, where we have been lately and what funny things the kids have done when I didn't have the real camera...The story they tell right now is of doctor and hospital visits...

I should just buy myself one of those old nurse uniforms and dawn that every morning checking all my children's temps and writing down their symptoms of the day...

Ellie..Stomach hurts....morning breathe

Jessi....Just too tired..nothing to wear

Ty....Fever, runny nose and a bad case of dirty socks wore more days in a row than one mom should know

Sophie.... Bronchitis...fever....funny morning hair

Macy.... cough, irritable and Spots from head to Toe!
Mom.....Almost crazy except that she doesn't mind cuddling with sick kids on the couch watching TV all Day!


Julie Ramsay said...

Does your youngest have roseola? Looks like it to me but I don't have my nurses uniform on so I can't be sure....

Dori said...

I thought it was a reaction to the amoxicillian she's taking but the doctor thinks it's a combo of an allergic reaction and a virus...I really need to go to the store..do you think anyone will notice?

Lenox Family said...

O"my, poor macy. she looks terible, I hope everyone starts to feel better real soon.

Pricilla said...

Oh my goodness, poor little thing! I hope everyone gets well soon!!!