Monday, February 23, 2009

Friday, February 20, 2009

In the Wake of the Economic crisis...

... I had to keep the same shower curtain instead of purchasing the really expensive one I was dreaming about and decorate the masterbathroom to match it. So here's today's Before & After...
During...(this is my really awesome handy man putting his face where I never want mine, ripping the toilet out and then cleaning it!)After....

Please Notice the: New floor, new toilet seat, clean toilet, new paint, painted window trim and finally new toilet bowl brush :)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Finis & Pink

So At the beginning of the year when New Years Resolutions were the trend I was thinking about mine...Usually I write them in my journal...after looking at the previous years hoping that I've accomplished them...Want to know some of my past ones that I have accomplished? ...Several years it was...Have a baby...nice... so you could say at least I have accomplished 5 of the 55 I've made.
This year Instead of a list I chose a word....Finish..or if I've feeling in a Frenchy mood "Finis". We have so many projects started on our nice fixer upper house that need to be finis that it's overwhelming, discouraging and demoralizing . But NO MORE....I will finish our projects and move on from those feeling and do more important things like......laundry or the yard?

So my last FINISHED project took place Monday...Thanks to Abe & George...No School meant no schedule so we painted..

When we moved into our house I painted the little girls room "PINK?" well that's what the swatch at Home depot called it but it was more like "white with... if you squint it looks pink".


SO Monday WITH the kids help we repainted rearranged and now the little girls room is
"FINIs and PINK"


p.s.I have an idea for a cute wall decoration but that might have to be next year's resolution.

P.S.S. Do you want to see more of my before& after projects?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Green Hairs & Ham

If there's one thing I learned in 2008 it's always wear a mask while spray painting.....A lesson I didn't learn until after having , White,Red, BLACK ,PINK or Silver Nose hairs. Should I be proud that I've sported all those colors in my nose? This past month when I grabbed some Shelves to spray I realized I would again have Black Nose hairs...But I figured I didn't want to go out with those kind of hairs that night or find those kind of boogers in my kleenex for 3 days...So i found a handy dandy hankerchief in the dress up box and began to spray away. But what do you think the Bus driver thought when she pulled up and dropped of my kids and saw this woman fiddling around in the garage?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I can NOT go to school today....

The latest pictures on my phone always tell the best story, where we have been lately and what funny things the kids have done when I didn't have the real camera...The story they tell right now is of doctor and hospital visits...

I should just buy myself one of those old nurse uniforms and dawn that every morning checking all my children's temps and writing down their symptoms of the day...

Ellie..Stomach hurts....morning breathe

Jessi....Just too tired..nothing to wear

Ty....Fever, runny nose and a bad case of dirty socks wore more days in a row than one mom should know

Sophie.... Bronchitis...fever....funny morning hair

Macy.... cough, irritable and Spots from head to Toe!
Mom.....Almost crazy except that she doesn't mind cuddling with sick kids on the couch watching TV all Day!