Tuesday, July 08, 2008

I wish...

Seminary ended and it was wonderful. I couldn't believe I actually had taught every school day for the past 9 months. I learned so much. (That's such a cliche statement isn't it!) I have wanted to write about the ending of seminary but I didn't quite know what to say.
I guess I will write about just a few ways teaching seminary changed me.

So for the past school year I have studied the Old Testament and cross referenced others scriptures I would say on average 15-19 hours a week. I now love actually studying the scriptures, not reading but studying and finding answers that Heavenly Father has put in them.
I now know all scriptures point to the meaning of our life and to Jesus Christ.

I now LOVE to teach. I am so grateful for the talents that I have been blessed with to help others understand what I learned while studying and then I love being taught by them as we discuss and find new treasures of knowledge.

I want to go on a mission. Because I know this is our duty to gather Israel.

I have learned that by understanding and learning the individual principles of the gospel we can understand more of the eternal plan of happiness.

I have been changed by reading the Old Testament. Wow! I cringed when told what I would be teaching this year....But now I am sooo glad, I wouldn't have wanted to teach anything else..and maybe some other time I will get to teach the other great scriptures. (My secrect wish)

I have gained a great respect for all Christians that study the Bible for it's truly from God but I have a greater appreciation for our modern day prophets.

I have always struggled to understand how Heavenly Father (or anyone) could love me. Heavenly Father loved me enough to trust me to do my best and teach his precious children(my students). As I finished the year this was one principle that I felt so strongly...I felt so loved because he trusted me to teach.

I wish that everyone could have this experience. But infact we all do, we all have our challenges that Heavenly Fathers gives us that if we turn to the scriptures and him we can feel his love and guidance.

I will never forget those great students I saw every morning (some just the tops of their heads) They are so strong and Heavenly Father has great things in store for them.

I only wish I could teach forever.. but I cannot. It was a difficult decision for me to come to the conclusion that I wouldn't teach next year. My family sacrificed a lot so that I could teach.

Many people ask me if I'm not teaching again because it was just too hard. I want you all to know... it was hard but "Is any thing too hard for the Lord?" (Genesis 18:14)


Julie Ramsay said...

Awesome testimony Dori! You are amazing. I would love to learn by teaching seminary...but not quite yet. Maybe in 10 years!!! Hope you're having a great summer!

Brosita said...

It is true. Nothing is too hard with the help of The Lord. He blesses us with amazing abilities to accomplish his tasks.... Good job Dori!

Unknown said...

Hats off to you Dori. Those kids were so lucky to have you teach them. What a great experience for you & your family. I'm sure you'll have more oppurtunities to teach sooner than you think! You are great!

StraightAs said...

Inspiring! It ALMOST makes me want to go and ask to be a seminary teacher. hee hee You're a great example. Thanks for sharing what you've learned!