She had the greatest reactions to all her presents! What a kid!
2. Ellie's Softball took up half our life!
Somehow we went through a million games and never took a picture ( I really don't know how that happened!) So on the last game after I realized we had no pics I was determined to get a some....and it poured down rain! It's a shame because she looks great in her cool Canby Cougars Softball uniform!
3. Ty's Baseball took up the other half of our life!
I just had to use this picture...look really close you can see the ball!4. We finished the pantry!... The before picture is with all the previous owner stuff in it...We sheetrocked one wall and painted etc.... I just love it! For a little over 2 months our food has been all over the floor in the Rec room AAAAA! But now it's great especially with the door on so Macy can no longer spread food all over the house!

5. Sophie turned 4! ...It was Sophie's 4th Birthday and Father's day...What a party! We had Strawberry shortcake streamers and plates and she got a Strawberry Shortcake doll, SS coloring book, SS DVD....Can you tell she loves Strawberry Shortcake!
For Father's day we had G&G Taylor and G&G Leder come for Dinner and pie! So we had great desserts...Strawberry Birthday cake, Pumpkin pie and Blackberry Pie!! All I have to say is I'm so glad the leftovers stayed at my house! Yum!!
Ty decorated this wallet for Bill...It was the cutest thing! I love how proud the kids are of the things they make for their dad! Forget store bought gifts these are the real presents!

This is my Dad.
What a great Dad he is too. He taught me to work really hard and be excited about it. I have great memories of my Dad never giving up....especially on the weather! When we were camping and it would start raining he never wanted to give up and go home he always told us he could see blue sky coming....whatever...sometimes it rained for 3 days straight! But we had great fun anyways always thinking that blue sky was coming! Even if it did mean we had to take our sleeping bags to a laundry mat to dry them out for the next 3 nights of Rain!
My Dad always gets these great vision of fun projects. One of my favorite was when we were camping and he brought golf clubs and tuna cans and we built a golf course out of our camp site. That was sooo fun! Especially the hole that was across the crick. (Yes we call it the crick not a the creek!) Thanks Dad for all the memories! I love you!!
mOm! Look what they did to me!
I just had to add this last picture. This is what happens when you're the youngest of 4 other siblings...You turn into the dress up thing! The big girls put makeup, extra large socks, their own undies complete with a Belt to hold them up! The funny thing is she just walked around forever like this like nothing was different .....She is such a character and a good sport!
So now to the end of this very long post...I hope to be back soon but you just never know!!
You better be back soon! I love it! What a cute family...are those curls I see on Macy?
Sounds like you guys have been having lots of fun! Happy Birthday Macy!!
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